Kol Nidrei: Jewish Vows (Literally) Unbound

from $72.00

Lex Rofeberg
3 weeks - September 24 · October 1 · October 8
Tuesdays - 3:00-4:30 pm ET/12:00-1:30 pm PT

Kol Nidrei" is an unbelievably popular one. Many folks, even some who rarely enter synagogue spaces, talk about this famous Yom Kippur declaration, set to a haunting melody. It is so popular, that the entire Yom Kippur evening service has gained the alternate title of...."Kol Nidrei." But...what's the Kol Nidrei declaration actually about? (in short: the nullification of certain kinds of vows and oaths) What does it say, for what reasons? To what extent might its contents feel beautiful to us, or horrifying, or confusing, all at the same time?

In this class, we'll explore all of these questions. We'll hone in on why, for over 1,000 years (since the declaration was written), there has been a long lineage of rabbis calling Kol Nidrei a "foolish custom." We'll explore the ways in which it has continued to hold power, even despite those rabbinic objections, and what that reality teaches us about Jewish ritual, community, and creativity. We'll do all of this in interactive conversation, holding a love for Jewish tradition and rebellion all at the same time.

Sliding Scale

This course is available at a sliding scale cost of $126 (the true cost), $99 or $72.

If you can afford the full price, we hope you will choose that option, which allows us to continue to offer lower rates and scholarships to those who otherwise would not be able to access this learning because of financial barriers.

Financial Aid

If you need financial aid beyond the sliding scale, please fill out this simple form, and we will get right back to you.

**Please register each student separately. Your registrations will appear in your shopping cart and you may pay for multiple students together at checkout**

Sliding Scale Prices:
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Lex Rofeberg
3 weeks - September 24 · October 1 · October 8
Tuesdays - 3:00-4:30 pm ET/12:00-1:30 pm PT

Kol Nidrei" is an unbelievably popular one. Many folks, even some who rarely enter synagogue spaces, talk about this famous Yom Kippur declaration, set to a haunting melody. It is so popular, that the entire Yom Kippur evening service has gained the alternate title of...."Kol Nidrei." But...what's the Kol Nidrei declaration actually about? (in short: the nullification of certain kinds of vows and oaths) What does it say, for what reasons? To what extent might its contents feel beautiful to us, or horrifying, or confusing, all at the same time?

In this class, we'll explore all of these questions. We'll hone in on why, for over 1,000 years (since the declaration was written), there has been a long lineage of rabbis calling Kol Nidrei a "foolish custom." We'll explore the ways in which it has continued to hold power, even despite those rabbinic objections, and what that reality teaches us about Jewish ritual, community, and creativity. We'll do all of this in interactive conversation, holding a love for Jewish tradition and rebellion all at the same time.

Sliding Scale

This course is available at a sliding scale cost of $126 (the true cost), $99 or $72.

If you can afford the full price, we hope you will choose that option, which allows us to continue to offer lower rates and scholarships to those who otherwise would not be able to access this learning because of financial barriers.

Financial Aid

If you need financial aid beyond the sliding scale, please fill out this simple form, and we will get right back to you.

**Please register each student separately. Your registrations will appear in your shopping cart and you may pay for multiple students together at checkout**

Lex Rofeberg
3 weeks - September 24 · October 1 · October 8
Tuesdays - 3:00-4:30 pm ET/12:00-1:30 pm PT

Kol Nidrei" is an unbelievably popular one. Many folks, even some who rarely enter synagogue spaces, talk about this famous Yom Kippur declaration, set to a haunting melody. It is so popular, that the entire Yom Kippur evening service has gained the alternate title of...."Kol Nidrei." But...what's the Kol Nidrei declaration actually about? (in short: the nullification of certain kinds of vows and oaths) What does it say, for what reasons? To what extent might its contents feel beautiful to us, or horrifying, or confusing, all at the same time?

In this class, we'll explore all of these questions. We'll hone in on why, for over 1,000 years (since the declaration was written), there has been a long lineage of rabbis calling Kol Nidrei a "foolish custom." We'll explore the ways in which it has continued to hold power, even despite those rabbinic objections, and what that reality teaches us about Jewish ritual, community, and creativity. We'll do all of this in interactive conversation, holding a love for Jewish tradition and rebellion all at the same time.

Sliding Scale

This course is available at a sliding scale cost of $126 (the true cost), $99 or $72.

If you can afford the full price, we hope you will choose that option, which allows us to continue to offer lower rates and scholarships to those who otherwise would not be able to access this learning because of financial barriers.

Financial Aid

If you need financial aid beyond the sliding scale, please fill out this simple form, and we will get right back to you.

**Please register each student separately. Your registrations will appear in your shopping cart and you may pay for multiple students together at checkout**


Meet Lex

Lex Rofeberg (he/him) serves as Judaism Unbound's Senior Jewish Educator, co-hosting and producing its weekly podcast and overseeing the UnYeshiva, a digital center for Jewish learning and unlearning. He came to Judaism Unbound in 2015 after a two-year Education Fellowship at the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, based in Jackson, Mississippi. Lex graduated from Brown University with a degree in Jewish Studies, received his certificate in Interfaith Families Jewish Engagement from Hebrew College, and was was ordained as a rabbi in by ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. He serves on the board of directors for The Shalom Center, Tikkun Olam Productions (the filmmaking collective that produced the 2023 film "Israelism") and Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations. He lives on Narragansett land in Providence, Rhode Island.

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