Judaism Unbound: In the News
August 2023: “Miriam Terlinchamp Chosen as Executive Director of Judaism Unbound” (Sam Fisher, Cincy JewFolk)
June 2023: “I Have Imposter Syndrome and I’m Owning it: A Jewish Media Fellowship Reflection” (Catherine Horowitz)
January 2023: “Nearly three years later, these Jewish programs created for the pandemic are still running” (Lev Gringauz, eJewish Philanthropy)
June 2022: “Jewish Pentimenti & Looking Backwards For A Media Future: Jewish Media Fellowship Reflection” (Eli Hurwitz, New Voices Magazine)
April 2022: “Why I’m Teaching a Course at Judaism Unbound – and Why You Should Register” (Shawn Lichaa, A Blue Thread)
December 2021: “How to “Un” the Yeshiva with Judaism Unbound” (Chanel Dubofsky, JewSchool)
September 2021: “Shmita is Judaism’s sabbatical year. It can be a model for tackling climate change and inequality.” (Meghan Kallman, Lex Rofeberg, JTA)
January 2021: “COVID-19: Jewish orgs launch platform studying plagues in Jewish history” (Aaron Reich, Jerusalem Post)
February 2021: “As more American Jews intermarry, seminaries face calls to ordain intermarried rabbis” (Alix Wall, The Forward)
December 2020: “Shouting “I am a Jewish Educator!”: A Judaism Unbound Fellowship Reflection” (Becca Lubow, New Voices Magazine)
December 2020: “How do you celebrate Hanukkah during a pandemic? Here are 10 virtual and socially-distant events happening around the country” (Ryan Torok, The Forward)
September 2020: "Jewish groups partner to launch Akedah Project for Rosh Hashanah" (Jerusalem Post)
June 2020: "New Website Fills Void of In-Person Jewish Events During Quarantine" (Jason Miller, Detroit Jewish News)
May 2020: "It's time to build digital-first Jewish communities that will outlast the pandemic" (Lex Rofeberg, JTA)
April 2020: "Passover will be different because of COVID-19. Here's How Chicago's Jews Will Celebrate" (Monica Eng, NPR Chicago)
April 2020: "From Prayers to Puppets: a one-stop shop for Jewish livestreams aims to outlast the pandemic" (Ben Sales, JTA)
April 2020: "Not sure where on the world wide web to go for Shabbat? This website is your guide" (Irene Katz Connelly, The Forward)
April 2020: "Washington-area JCCs are struggling to make their online presence pay the bills" (Arno Rosenfeld, Washington Jewish Week)
March 2020: "A Digital JCC for Communities Sheltering at Home" (Shira Hanau, New York Jewish Week)
December 2019: "The Trainee Rabbi who Sees Hope in Mixed Marriages” (Simon Rocker, The London Jewish Chronicle)
October 2019: "Synagogues Unbound" (Larry Yudelson, New Jersey Jewish Standard)
July 2019: “Judaism Unbound is Tracking the Digital Jewish Future, One Podcast at a Time” (Ari Feldman, The Forward)
July 2019: “Podcasts Connect Listeners to American-Jewish Life” (Erica Silverman, Jewish Exponent)
April 2019: “Unbinding Judaism with Podcast Host Dan Libenson” (Toby Tabachnick, Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle)
March 2019: “The Future of Jewish Learning is Here: How Digital Media are Reshaping Jewish Education” (Ari Y. Kelman, Antero Garcia, Molly B. Zielezinski, Mia Sara Bruch)
August 2018: “Rosh Hashanah Needs a Little Preparation. We Have a Digital Solution.” (Wendie Lash, Estee Solomon Gray, Lex Rofeberg, JTA)
May 2018: “Why These People are Celebrating a Jewish Holiday at IHOP” (Ben Sales, JTA)
May 2018: “An All-Night Shavuot Celebration at the IHOP” (Gabriela Geselowitz, Tablet)
May 2018: “Wisconsin Native Co-Hosts Popular Jewish Podcast” (Tami Kamin Meyer, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle)
October 2017: “Listen Up! This Podcast Will Make You a Stronger Jewish Leader” (Jane E. Herman, URJ.org)
July 2017: “Is Judaism More Like an Operating System or an App? (Brian Blum, Jerusalem Post)
May 2017: “Palo Alto JCC CEO Talks Judaism 4.0 on Popular Podcast” (Max Cherney, J: The Jewish News of Northern California)
May 2016: “Introducing the Judaism Unbound Podcast” (eJewish Philanthropy)