Judeo-Futurism: Judaism Unbound Episode 464 - Becca Leviss

Becca Leviss, currently studying at Harvard Divinity School, wants to push us beyond the Jewish "right-now" and into the Jewish "not-yet." She joins Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg for a conversation about Judeo-Futurism -- a framework she is building, and which she wants to co-create with Jews all around the world. 

[1] Leviss references her teacher Shaul Magid’s work on Judeopessimism. For Magid’s past appearances on Judaism Unbound see Episode 13: American Post-Judaism and/or Episode 296: Radicalism, Power, Violence, and Meir Kahane. For an essay of his exploring Judeopessimism in particular, see this piece featured in Ayin Press.

[2] Dan references Salo Baron’s notion of a “lachrymose” conception of Jewish history. Read his essay— “Ghetto and Emancipation: Shall we revise the traditional view?” — where he first articulated this notion, here.

[3] For a helpful introductory essay on Afrofuturism, click here.

[4] Lex and Leviss take a look at the Torah portion Chayei Sarah from a few different perspectives. For the full text of that Torah portion, click here.

[5] Leviss references Benay Lappe’s Crash Theory — a core framework of our podcast’s approach to the Jewish past, present, and future. Learn more about it here (including Lappe’s articulation of it in an ELI Talk), and hear Lappe outline it on Judaism Unbound via Episode 3: Exodus.

[6] Leviss also cites the work of Lila Corwin Berman, and in particular her book The American Jewish Philanthropic Complex. Purchase the book (in our view one of the most important works of Jewish Studies scholarship in the past decade) via this link, and hear Corwin Berman on Judaism Unbound via Episode 220: Viral Philanthropy and/or Episode 244: The American Jewish Philanthropic Complex.


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