Shavuot 2024: Judaism Unbound Episode 434 - Dan, Lex, and Miriam

It’s almost time… for Shavuot! Dan, Lex, and Miriam come together for a conversation about what Shavuot will look like this year at Judaism Unbound. They explore the connections between Shavuot and conversion, renewing our commitment to Judaism through ritual, and how we can meaningfully experience Shavuot in new and ancient ways.


[1] View the full schedule and find out more about ShavuotLIVE on our ShavuotLIVE website.

[2] The Judaism Unbound podcast universe is expanding! The first episode of our new podcast, Tales of the Unbound with Miriam Terlinchamp, is now available to stream. Click here to listen and learn more about Tales of the Unbound.

[3] Dan, Lex, and Miriam spend a lot of time in this episode exploring why Shavuot is an important holiday to celebrate conversion. Check out this bonus episode on the Book of Ruth, a traditional reading for Shavuot, and what it offers us in thinking about conversion on Shavuot.

[4] This year at ShavuotLIVE 2024, there will be a special ceremony to honor several folks who have been pursuing a conversion path through JU. Learn more about paths to conversion supported by Judaism Unbound.

[5] Steam other past Shavuot episodes on the podcast, including Episode 377: Shavuot in the Cloud, Shavuot I: What the Heck is Shavuot? , Shavuot II: The Future of Shavuot , Shavuot III: What's the Deal with the Dairy?, and Shavuot IV: The Book of Ruth

[6] Lex mentions rabbinic debate about when Shavuot should be observed in the Jewish calendar. Our conversation with Dalia Marx in “Episode 429: The Jewish Calendar” touches on the dispute about the “correct” time to observe Shavuot.

[7] Lex references Laura Yares’ ShavuotLIVE presentation from 2022, which dives into the history of observances of Shavuot in the United States. Catherine Horowitz’s ShavuotLIVE 2023 presentation on the “past, present and future of confirmation” builds on some of Yares’ thinking. 


Judaism Unbound Episode 435: Tales of the Unbound Episode One — Jewish Enough


Shai Held: Judaism Unbound Episode 433 - Judaism is About Love