There is so much amazing scholarly research about Judaism! Unfortunately it’s hard to access a lot of it, housed in academic journals, at conference panels, and in other tough-to-find places. But we’ve curated some of our favorite Jewish Studies conversations, lectures, and more, for you to experience and learn from! In short, we are big fans of geeking out, and learning as a result. Do so through this asynchronous course!


Studying Jews Differently - Tobin Belzer

Judaism Unbound Podcast

Not Your Rabbis' Judaism - Barbara Thiede

Judaism Unbound Podcast

Søren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling - Mary-Jane Rubenstein

The Akedah Project

The Book of Esther as Comedy - Adele Berlin

The Megillah Project

The Passover Haggadah, a Biography - Vanessa Ochs

The Megillah Project

Jews and Whiteness - Eric Goldstein

The Judaism Unbound Podcast

Digesting Judaism - Rachel Gross

Judaism Unbound Podcast

Jubilees: A Book That “Didn’t Make The Cut” - James VanderKam


The Jewish Catalog, Then and Now - Riv-Ellen Prell

The Judaism Unbound Podcast

The Deli is my Synagogue - Rachel Gross

The Judaism Unbound Podcast

God and Plagues in the Bible - Marc Zvi Brettler

The Plagues Project

Arabs and Jews as Freudian Subjects - Susannah Heschel, Tarek el-Ariss,


Do American Jews Speak a Jewish Language? - Sarah Bunin Benor

Jewish Languages & Names, jewishLIVE

The American Jewish Philanthropic Complex -Lila Corwin Berman

Judaism Unbound Podcast

Beyond Chrismukkah - Samira Mehta

The Judaism Unbound Podcast

Confronting Yiddish Shame - Naomi Seidman

The Judaism Unbound Podcast

Kol Nidrei (Annulment of Vows), or “Promises Made to be Broken” - Tova Birnbaum, Zoe Fertik

Pray with Transgressors, jewishLIVE

Canaan Unconquered - Rachel Havrelock

The Judaism Unbound Podcast

Beyond Jewish Identity - Ari Y. Kelman

Judaism Unbound Podcast

Queering the Jewish Bookshelf - Noam Sienna

Judaism Unbound Podcast

Writing Fiction: Zeresh, His Wife -Michal Lemberger

The Megillah Project

Jewish Surnames and Name Changing Around the World - Sarah Bunin Benor

Jewish Languages & Names, jewishLIVE

Judaism…Just How Unbound -Mara Benjamin

The Judaism Unbound Podcast

Judaism? - Daniel Boyarin

The Judaism Unbound Podcast